Monday, August 11, 2008

Innovation in a Wedding

We are in the middle of marriage season.  Proposals, engagements, weddings.  At one point I was keeping track, and was up to 14 weddings of friends and acquaintances between March and August.  I've gotten more since.  This past weekend was my friend L's wedding.  Apparently she and her now husband have a thing for photo booths, and so for a guest book they rented a photo booth and told everyone to get their picture taken.  Here's A and mine's contribution.


You might also consider these our first engagement pictures.  I think they are some of the first ones we've taken since we got engaged last week.  That's a story, but not a blog story.  (San Carlos, CA)


I promise we'll have real engagement pictures before too long :-)


Unknown said...

Is it me, or is your tie freakishly long?

Hsquared2 said...

that's what happens when you slouch.

Monique said...


Monique said...

In order to maintain that innocent, boyish charm I associate with you, I'll think of the bottom left photo anytime your honeymoon gets brought up.