Saturday, February 02, 2008

President Hinckley

Just my first viable memory, probably because of the reference to Fred Snodgrass:

"In all of these, someone dropped the ball. [Fred Snodgrass] had the self-confidence, possibly even the arrogance, to think that he didn’t really have to try, that he could make it with only half an effort. But the ball passed through his hands and hit the ground, and he gave away the game. Or [Roy Riegels] thinks he makes a smart catch of someone else’s fumble and runs the wrong way, only to give victory to his opponents.

"It all points up the need to be constantly alert. It points up the importance of unrelenting self-discipline. It indicates the necessity of constantly building our strength against temptation. It warns us against the misuse of our time, especially our idle time."

-President Gordon B. Hinckley, October 1994

He will be missed.

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