What endures...
"The greatest use of life is to spend it for something that will outlast it." -William James
My family is buried here, in a town which grows still smaller in the mountains of southern Utah. The mines have dried up, and people have moved on with a few exceptions and even the town was officially disincorporated. There's nothing left of the physical home they created except a few now wild roses which my great-grandmother planted.
Yet as I look at this picture again, remembering the miserable heat, and the pestering flies that day, it is not the disappearance of the family home or the community, but rather the figures that walk around the places where their ancestors tread that stand out. While the saloon my great-grandfather ran is gone, along with his house and farm, that family is what remains.
My great-grandparents shaped both the town they lived in and the children they had but it is the latter that carries the stronger evidence of that influence. While our professions and communal responsibilities are important, it is our families that will continue to bear our influence beyond our own time.